Beginner Workout (Strength 1)


  • Goal: 2x a week to start!

  • The workout should be completed as a circuit (progress through the exercises in order).

  • Try to complete 1-2 rounds to start.

  • Be sure your form and breathing are in check.

  • The repetitions for the movement are set; feel free to cut the reps in 1/2 if you are just starting.

  • There will be no equipment needed for this workout.


Beginner Exercises


#1: Jaxs (20x)

#2: Chair Squats (10x)


#3: Knee Drives (10x each)

(use wall to support yourself if needed)

#4: Side Leg Raises (10x each)

(use wall to support yourself if needed)


#5: T’s, Y’s, I’s (10x each)

#6: Hip Up’s (10x each)


#7: March in Place (20x)

#8: Tricep Push Down (10x)


#9: Wall Hip Rotation (10x each)