For immediate assistance, please call (860) 785-8380. In the event of an after hours Public Health EMERGENCY, please call 911.

Emergency Preparedness

Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

Encouraging all stakeholders to prepare logistically should start now, if not sooner.  And you are in a position not just to encourage logistical preparedness, but also to encourage government sources and other experts like yourself to do the same.  Perhaps even more important, in our judgment: You can try to encourage emotional preparedness, and try to encourage other official and expert sources to encourage emotional preparedness. -Jody Larnard, Peter Sandman.

Make sure you are familiar with the evacuation and reunification plans for your child’s school.

Know how your child’s school will communicate during an emergency.

Attempt to have kids memorize emergency contacts.

Talk to your kids about what to do in case you are separated.

Include your child's favorite stuffed animals, board games, books or music in their emergency kit to comfort them in a disaster.